dyemark on SoundCloud
a selection of unreleased field recordings
organized by principle of content and situation
Underwater : Naturaly Ocurring Textures : Etcetera : Transit
rattle.mp3 / .944 MB
2007 monaural recording, YBCA Fountain, San Francisco CA
motion.mp3 / .94 MB
2007 monaural recording, YBCA Fountain, San Francisco CA
torpedo warf.mp3 / 1.3 MB
2006 monaural recording near "torpedo warf", San Francisco
ghost knock.mp3 / 1.9 MB
2004 monaural recording of the Thames river, London
lock.mp3 / 1.6MB
2004 monaural underwater recording near the Locks in Seattle WA
ferry.mp3 / 1MB
2004 monaural underwater recording of Elliot Bay, Seattle WA
seine.mp3 / 1.8MB
2001 monaural recording near the Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris
clifton and james.mp3 / 964kb
2004 stereo recording of storm drain in Oakland, CA
schloss_garden.mp3 / 1MB
cuckoo.mp3 / 812kb
2001 Karlsruhe, Germany
kite2.mp3 / 1.1MB
2006 monaural recording, contact mic on string of a flying kite, Sheepshead Beach, CA
kite.mp3 / 1.3MB
2006 monaural recording, contact mic on string of a flying kite, Oakland, CA
kitchen_sink.mp3 / 1.4MB
2006 monaural recording, nothing but the kitchen sink, Oakland, CA
pile.mp3 / 1.1MB
2006 binaural recording of pile driving as heard through the Trans Bay Terminal, San Francisco CA
basin.mp3 / 1.2MB
2004 binaural recording of "Free Basin", a skate bowl installation at YBCA
kuta.mp3 / 1.6MB
1997 stereo recording of traffic in Kuta, Bali
tram19.mp3 / 1.5MB
2000 binaural recording of public transit in Budapest, Hungary
new monument.mp3 / 1.1MB
2004 binaural recording at the London Underground New Monument Station
paternoster.mp3 / 896kb
2000 binaural recording of the paternoster in Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
Underwater : Naturaly Ocurring Textures : Etcetera :Transit